Dear Sirs,

We are pleased to invite you to register at ICORD 2010.


International Conference on Rare Diseases and Orphan Drugs

Global Approaches to Research and Patients Access to Diagnosis and Care,

And the Common Issues with Neglected Diseases in Developing Countries

Buenos Aires, March 18 – 20, 2010

In this opportunity, international experts on the field will join us, and you will be able to interact with colleagues from governments, industry, academy leaders and pioneers of patients’ organizations.

Announcing Video:

You will also find options to congress peripheral activities:

1. Educational courses with experts: March, 16 and 17.

2. Pre-Congress meetings: March 17.

3. II Latin-American & Caribbean meeting ER2010LA: March 18.

4. Social Activities.

ICORD Meeting general fee is USD 200, includes meals at venue, pre-Congress meeting, II Latin-American & Caribbean meeting ER2010LA, fun & football evening, The Night of Awards and Tango.

a) If you only plan to attend the II Latin-American & Caribbean meeting ER2010LA, a representative fee is USD 5.

b) Attendance to the pre-Congress meeting only is free, but due to limited vacancies you will have to register in advance.

c) Educational courses with experts are organized by SLADIMER, they are four and the fee for all of them is USD 325.

To register, check more information and details, official program, free presentations, and hotel booking see, or e-mail to

Please hand this e-mail to whom you may think could be interested in it. Thank you.

Julieta Campillo

ICORD 2010s Secretary

GEISER’s Secretary